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60 events found
40th Anniversary Run
2019-12-20 (Friday)
40th Anniversary Run
2019-2020 Music Day
2019-12-19 (Thursday)
2019-2020 Music Day
Siu Ching Cup Mathematics Competition 2019
2019-03-02 (Saturday)
Siu Ching Cup Mathematics Competition 2019
Delegation from Japanese Universities visited our school to provide information for study in Japan
2019-02-22 (Friday)
本校是「升學型學校」,逾9成畢業生升讀大學。為配合學生需要及全球知識型經濟的大趨勢,本校升學及就業輔組致力開拓多元升學出路,提升學生將來的競爭力。故邀約日本留學支援協會理事長楊經航先生、日本數字好萊塢大學 (Digital Hollywood University) 代表裘雅雯女士、南山大學國際中心事務室代表鎌田奈応子小姐到訪本校,為本校師生提供更多關於港生到日本升學的最新資訊,兩所大學的代表和楊理事的介紹內容非常豐富,令升輔組老師對日本升學有更深入的了解。希望日後可以給同學有更多的支援與協助。如同學或家長有興趣赴日升學,歡迎聯絡徐笑珍老師、譚兆庭老師和黃俊佑老師。
2018-2019 Music Day
2018-12-20 (Thursday)
2018-2019 Music Day
2018-2019 Sports Day
2018-11-30 To 12-04
2018-2019 Sprots Day
POCAWSC Received School Social Responsibility Award from Mirror Post
2018-09-22 To 2019-09-01
貢獻社會義之所在,作育英才任重道遠 本校榮獲第一屆「學校社會責任獎」 該獎項由《鏡報》設立,本年度是首屆舉辦,旨在透過表揚熱心帶領學生參與各項義工服務、公益慈善活動的學校,肯定其在栽培青少年「意志、道德、智慧」均衡發展的功勞,並表達對教育界在培養社會人才方面履行社會責任的欣賞和重視。
The 1st Jewellery Design Competition for Hong Kong Secondary School Students
2018-06-11 To 2019-08-31
Wong Sze Ki of S3B was awarded the ARTE Design Grand Award and Lau Yan Yee of S3D was awarded the 1st Place Grand Award in The 1st Jewellery Design Competition for Hong Kong Secondary School Students.
2017-2018 Sports Day
2017-11-08 To 09
2017-2018 Sports Day
Hong Kong Arts Development Award 2016
2017-06-22 To 08-31
Our collaborative project among Visual Arts, Chinese Language and Literature in English, Literary Walk: The Forgotten Tsuen Wan Scenery, has achieved the Award for Arts Education in the Hong Kong Arts Development Award 2016.
Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme 2016-2017
2017-06-22 To 08-31
Congratulations to Ms. Chan Tsz Ying Cathy (2015 Graduate) for attaining Top 10 Outstanding Youths and Stellar Accomplishment Award in the Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme 2016-2017!
Our alumni Chan Yuk Ki and Fu Yan Yin become the flag bearer team members of the May Forth flag raising ceremony at Gold Bauhinia Square. They were awarded the Assistant Commissioner commendation.
2017-06-13 To 08-31
A prizing giving ceremony was held at St. John Tower on June 7. The ‘May Forth Flag bearer award ceremony’ was hosted by the Brigade Commissioner at large. It was also attended by the principals of the winning schools. Our alumni Chan Yuk Ki and Fu Yan Yin who are now students at the local universities and still serving in our school cadet division successfully knocked out twelve other uniform groups in Hong Kong and become the flag bearer team members of the May Forth flag raising ceremony at Gold Bauhinia Square. They were awarded the Assistant Commissioner commendation.
Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition
2017-03-25 To 27
Sze-to Sum Ying was awarded the ‘Selected Artwork’ in Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition hosted by the City University of Hong Kong. All the winning artwork will be exhibited. Details are as follows: Dates: March 25 to March 27 2017 Time: 10 am to 7 pm Venue: James Liu Multi Purpose Room, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Flower Show 2017
2017-03-10 To 19
Yip Ying Ying of S3B was awarded the second runner up in Hong Kong Flower Show 2017. The competition was fierce and more than two thousand participants took part in the contest.
Congratulations! WSC Girl Guides NT 141st Coy is awarded the ‘Unit Highest Service Hour and ‘Outstanding Unit Award AGAIN!
2017-02-25 (Saturday)
The Certificate of the Unit Highest Service Hour Award “Be the Change” is the theme of the Centenary Parade and Carnival held at the Shatin Racecourse on 25th February 2017. We echoed WAGGGA
to encourage all the girls to plan the activities and serve the community and to change the world. Our school company NT 141st Coy has been awarded “Unit Highest Service hour Award” as well as “Outstanding Unit Award” on 25th February. Our Colour Party has been awarded a Ribbon and all our girls and guiders have been awarded ‘Outstanding Badge’. Once again, our girls’ distinguished performance is recognised and honourable not only by parents and teachers but also by public, professionals and specialists. Last but not least, we have been awarded this title for five consecutive years.
Community Living Approach Competition 2016
2017-01-07 (Saturday)
Our students performed outstandingly in ‘Community Living Approach Competition 2016’ organized by Jockey Club, "Blue House Studio" Cultural Heritage Education Programme and St James’ Settlement. Lee Hoi Hei of S5B was awarded championship in Secondary School Division. She was given an opportunity to join a study tour in Taiwan. The prize giving ceremony and exhibition were held on January 7 in 2017. Hoi Hei also made use of this opportunity of sharing his thought and research on ‘Cattle Depot Artists Village’ in the sharing session. Ho Chi Wing of S4A, Tam Ho Wing of S4A and Choi Wing Tung of S5B were also awarded Merit in the above competition.
World Heart Day 2016 Drawing Competition
2016-11-13 (Sunday)
Six VA students joined the ‘World Heart Day 2016 Drawing Competition’. During the contest, they were required to draw a picture with other participating students with . They benefit a lot from the interaction and sharing with other outstanding students in the area. Our congratulations go to Ho Chi Wing and Tam Ho Wing who were awarded Elite prize and Merit respectively.
Our badminton team has been the champion for 5 consecutive years
2016-10-16 To 20
Defending champion of Boys' Badminton Competition(Tsuen Wan and Outlying Islands)
Hong Kong Secondary School Students Singing Contest 2016
2016-10-15 (Saturday)
3A Yuen Hoi Ying awarded the first runner up in the Hong Kong Secondary School Students Singing Contest 2016.
Inter-School IT Elite Challenge 2016
2016-06-10 To 07-01
Our school has won the champion of the Junior Forms in the 'Inter-School IT Elite Challenge 2016'
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